Friday, April 1, 2011


Shep is a funny funny guy; therefore, he becomes the subject of facebook status updates, or as known to his ever growing and loyal facebook following: "shepdates".

We thought we'd summarize the last couple months of shepdates to give blog world an idea of what he's been up to and do so Letterman Top Ten style:

10. dear shephard, thank you for being the scene making dog in the neighborhood on a quiet sunday morning. actually, all the time. we're honored.

9.totally biffed at doggy gym today. our neighbor across the street told me he nicknamed me "the girl that falls" just trying to live up to the honor (only included because I fall a LOT when Shep pulls me).

8.What did you do this afternoon? If you are Shep, you spent a great portion of it smelling the wall like a crazy.

7.friendly doggy gym attendee "which dog is yours?"
me, after scanning the pack: "oh, he's that one, the one running around with the cell phone in his mouth"

6.shephard's most recent doggy daycare report card: "I party like a rockstar and I don't like to stop, I like to cuddle and I like to wrestle" Yep, thats our boy.

5.I've decided walking Shephard is like driving a bus full of women in labor in rush hour traffic the wrong way down Chicago's Magnificent Mile. The level of concentration required and near disasters encountered give us both a physical and mental workout. Thanks, I guess?!

4.Shep found a ladybug in the house tonight. and then he ate it. and then he choked on it. and then i had to pull it out of his throat. he's a winner.

3.Sitting on our couch I hear the an interesting noise from upstairs where S is, flying solo. Putting my game face on to greet what I can only begin to imagine is waiting for me I walk up stairs. Yea, Shep got his head stuck between the slats in our banister. Honestly, we need to find a way to make money off this dog.

2.just got home from getting shephard from daycare. standing in the kitchen on the phone, i watched shephard close his eyes while standing up. then his body started to slump over. yep, our dog fell asleep standing up. time to call the lawyer and have the doggy daycare people added to our will.

And the number 1 Shepdate.......

1.I think he missed me. Just got home and the minute I sat down he climbed into my lap to lay his head on my chest. everyone should have a dog. One of life's great feelings.